Reduce. Refine. Replace.

Science. Innovation. Ethics. Regulation.

Experience the power of a multisectoral, interdsiciplinary community that comes together with a common goal to advance the 3Rs, for humans and animals.

The World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC series) was established by the Alternatives Congress Trust in Baltimore, USA in 1993 to bring together multidisciplinary stakeholders from academia, industry, government, and non-profit sectors under one roof to advance the 3Rs—to reduce, refine, and replace the use of animals in the life sciences. Since 1993, the WC series has been held biennially or triennially across the continents from the Americas to Europe and the Far East. This iconic series is coming back to the True North in 2023! It’s time to meet in-person again after six years!

Welcome to WC12

On behalf of the Canadian Organizing Committee, we are honoured and excited to extend a warm invitation for you to join us at WC12 in Niagara Falls, Canada.

Bienvenue au congrès WC12! Au nom du comité organisateur canadien, il nous fait plaisir de vous inviter à vous joindre à nous pour le congrès WC12 qui aura lieu en août 2023 à Niagara Falls, Canada.

WC12 Chair
Charu Chandrasekera, PhD
Canadian Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods

Mike Wade, PhD | Health Canada
Cristina Inglis, MSc | Environment & Climate Change Canada

Our theme addresses Regulatory Acceptance and Next-Gen Education.

Two of the most pressing challenges facing the widespread adoption of new approach methodologies.

Can't wait to meet again... after six years!

It's time to share our triumphs and tribulations, celebrate our friendships and collegiality.

after 6 years